Termination, Transfer, and Account Closure
Purchasing Cards and Travel Cards must be suspended or closed prior to the following events:
- Leave of absence (30 days or more):
- Card to be suspended two weeks prior to change in status
- Card remains suspended while Cardholder is on leave
- Department Transfer, Change in Business Unit, or Change in Employment Status
- Card must be closed two weeks prior to change
- Scheduled Employee resignation/retirement/termination
- Card must be closed two weeks prior to change in status
In the event of immediate termination, the cardholder’s Line Manager must collect the card(s) and contact the Business Officer and Card Program Administrator.
Cardholder Responsibilities
Before any of the above changes in employment occur, the Cardholder shall:
- Surrender the Card(s) to their Line Manager.
- Process unreconciled posted charges in Ignite Expense.
- Inform their Line Manager of any unposted charges and provide documentation for the charges.
- Ensure that the Travel Card is paid in full, if applicable.
Line Manager Responsibilities
- Verify with the cardholder that all charges have been reconciled. If charges will be outstanding as of the employee’s separation date, the Line Manager will be responsible for reconciling those charges in Ignite Expense (this will be automatically delegated).
- Collect and destroy the turned in card(s).
- Complete and submit the Cardholder Termination Form to purchasing_card@baylor.edu.