Procurement and Payment Services is here to collaborate with and support Baylor employees making and approving purchase transactions on behalf of Baylor. Considerable authority has been delegated to departments and schools and a significant investment in technology to help our personnel make purchasing decisions. This requires that employees involved at every step of the process take full responsibility for understanding the University’s policies and procedures regarding purchasing, payment, and supplier management. Purchasing decisions are business decisions made on behalf of the University and therefore should be made with the utmost consideration and in the best interests of the University. Purchases should also be conducted in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.
All purchasing and payment activities must comply with the university's Procurement Policy; however, Procurement and Payment Services created a Buy & Pay Guide as a resource for employees to utilize before making a purchase. This guide represents commonly purchased goods and services, best purchasing methods, and related expenditure types. It is not a complete list. In each of the categories, all efforts should be made to purchase goods and services using the advised method. If a category is not listed, please contact Procurement and Payment Services for more information.