Full-time faculty and staff in active, good standing with the university are eligible to apply for a Purchasing Card or Travel Card depending on what your specific purchasing needs are. Line Manager and Business Officer approvals are required to process new card applications.
Purchasing Cards and Travel Cards should be closed at least two weeks prior to the transfer, to ensure that all transactions post and are reconciled to the correct CoA in Ignite before the HR assignment changes. If a Purchasing Card or Travel Card is needed in your new role, you will need to complete an Application and User Agreement, obtaining appropriate approvals from your new department.
More information can be found on Termination, Transfer, and Account Closure.
If your title will be changing, but you will remain in the same department, it is not necessary to close your existing card.
Ignite Marketplace and the requisition/PO process is the preferred method to purchase goods and services for University business. If there are circumstances in which a supplier requires a purchase to be completed by credit card and the amount exceeds the standard card limits, cardholders may request a temporary limit modification through the Card Increase Form. Cardholders must complete the form, attaching relevant documentation (quote, invoice, etc.), for a card increase to be considered. Business Officer approval will be required.
P-Card, Travel Card, and Department Card transactions flow into Ignite automatically via a nightly feed, and are typically available within 2-3 business days of the transaction posting to your card. On the Ignite Expenses homepage, they will be listed under "Available Expense Items".
If after 2-3 business days you do not see a card transaction in your list yet, please reach out to purchasing_card@baylor.edu for assistance. Do not manually create expense items for P-Card, Travel Card, or Department Card transactions.
Access to JP Morgan's PaymentNet platform is available to all cardholders, and is helpful to review account balances, view pending and posted transactions, and dispute fraudulent transactions. Travel Cardholders will also need to make payments in PaymentNet. Login information including User ID, Password, and Organization ID are emailed to cardholders when the account is set up.
When using a Mac to access PaymentNet, Safari is the recommended browser.
Questions about your card account or assistance with resetting a password can be directed to purchasing_card@baylor.edu, or to JP Morgan by calling the number on the back of the card.
JP Morgan does not have a PaymentNet app yet, however while traveling you can use PaymentNet on a smartphone by going to https://m.jpmorgan.com/card in your phone's browser. You will be prompted to register the device prior to accessing your account.
To add PaymentNet Mobile to your home screen:
JP Morgan sends cardholders an email when a fraudulent transaction is suspected, and temporarily suspends the card until the transaction is verified as authorized.
If you'd like to sign up for SMS text notifications of fraud alerts, useful when traveling, you can do so via ccportal.jpmorgan.com. These alerts notify you of suspicious activity on your card and allow you to quickly reply to validate the transactions.
JP Morgan Fraud Prevention can also be reached at 1-800-316-6056 (US) or the number on the back of the card. If outside the United States, call 847-488-3748.
Your current card is good to use through the end of the expiration month (for example, a card expiring in January can be used through January 31). JP Morgan will mail out your replacement card 6-8 weeks before the card expiration, to the Cardholder Address on your account. If your address has changed, email purchasing_card@baylor.edu to update your account.
Yes, conference registration is an allowable expense on the Travel Card, P-Card, and Department Card. For international conferences, please consult with Payment Services on the best payment method before completing registration.
Meal expenses placed on the Travel Card must be reconciled as actual meal expenses in Ignite; per diem cannot be claimed in conjunction with this. If you intend to claim per diem for each day of your trip, meal expenses should not be placed on the Travel Card.
No. Once an Expense Report is fully approved in Ignite Expense, the Travel Cardholder will receive a reimbursement to their designated bank account. This reimbursement must be used to make the Travel Card payment in PaymentNet.
The university does not make any payments for Travel Card accounts.
Yes, prepaid travel arrangements can be placed on the Travel Card and reimbursed before the trip takes place. It is strongly recommended that travel arrangements be booked in Concur or with the university's preferred Travel Management Company, CTP.
Should plans change or need to be canceled, contact a CTP agent for assistance. In most instances, an airfare credit (unused ticket) will be issued to the traveler for future business travel use. Hotel arrangements would be refunded back to the Travel Card based on the hotel's cancellation policy.